Did you know???

"Supporting America's deployed military service members, to ensure they are not forgotten"

Did you know???


Lynelle Zelnar

November 6, 2018

DID YOU KNOW that in just over the last two months our list of recipients have increased over 4x compared to last year at this time?  We have 864 registered recipients, and a unit that just registered (waiting on how many) by a chaplain.

DID YOU KNOW that it will cost us $25,000 a month to be able to ship out a full rotation of our list these coming months, and probably more as our list continues to grow.  It has not been this high in YEARS.

DID YOU KNOW that those who have been registered are those who receive little or no support from the homefront, and miss out at mail call when others are receiving care packages from home?

DID YOU KNOW, we have more deployments heading overseas, in the middle east, Africa, Korea, and other world theaters?

DID YOU KNOW, that many of our recipients are away from their families who have been impacted by the recent storms, and can’t even be there to help with the recovery process?

DID YOU KNOW that the stress of being away from home and just receiving a connection to home can make the difference in the morale?

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