
"Supporting America's deployed military service members, to ensure they are not forgotten"


Initially in February 1980,  President Jimmy Carter issued the first Presidential Proclamation declaring the Week of March 8th 1980 as National Women’s History Week.    In 1987, Congress passed Public Law 110-9 designating March as Women’s History Month.  Women...

Guess the value of our regular “We Care” Packages….

Who doesn’t like to receive a little note of encouragement now and then?

Who doesn’t like to receive a little note of encouragement now and then? From our inception, Forgotten Soldiers Outreach has included uplifting and encouraging cards and letters in our care packages. And the feedback we have received from our...

6th Annual Hero’s Toast Video

In NEED of Letters of Encouragement

Forgotten Soldiers Outreach includes letters of encouragement in our “We Care” packages, and at this time we are out of letters and cards. This is a great opportunity for Homeschoolers and students at home doing distance/virtual learning.  The students...

How has COVID-19 Pandemic impacted Forgotten Soldiers Outreach?

In order to comply with CDC Guideline and those of our local government, we are working with fewer volunteers ( due to social distancing), wearing facial coverings, and getting used to the “New Norm” of how we can continue...

Virtual Speaking Engagements

We are now scheduling Virtual Speaking Engagements, whether it’s for your businesses, organization, club, school, camp, etc. This day and age….it can be just as or even more effective than an in-person speaking, as we can provide a virtual...

RED ALERT: Forgotten Soldiers Outreach DOES NOT solicit door-to-door or over the phone.

**Please note that we have received word that since October 2019 there have been FRAUDULENT solicitors on behalf of Forgotten Soldiers  Outreach where people are going to door-to-door throughout the country soliciting for funds, PLEASE NOTE THAT WE DO...

LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY… Have you ever wanted to take a ride on the Goodyear Blimp?

  HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO RIDE ON THE GOODYEAR BLIMP A ONCE IN A LIFETIME EXPERIENCE! You can Bid to win a 30-minute flight aboard the Goodyear Blimp and join an elite club of aerial travelers who have the rare...

Our First Summer Intern

Did you know that we just started our first Summer Internship Program? Here is information on our very first intern: Forgotten Soldiers Outreach is very excited to introduce our first summer intern program in the community.  This summer we...